In a world's first, our AI Terp Effect formulas are crafted by using machine learning in partnership with Dr. Avery Gilbert and The Effects Lab by budboard.
Indica/Sativa classifications are only the tip of the iceberg. By combining Abstrax's state-of-the-art research and manufacturing capabilities with budboard's proprietary machine learning R&D software, we've been able to create terpene blends specially formulated and optimized to deliver specific effects based on over one million data points.
In other words - even our computers are huge cannabis nerds.
AI Terp Effects use only natural ingredients.
To put it simply - each AI Terp Effect blend is targeted and optimized for one specific mood effect. It's a laser-focused approach to functional products that allows you to create predictable, repeatable, and scalable effects.
Most cannabis strains have a wide variety of effects because of their terpene profiles. In addition to their genetics, the cannabis plant will create different terpenes in response to stimuli during the growing process. A seed grown indoors will produce drastically different terpenes than a seed planted outdoors.
It's a miracle that terpenes have such an effect on human beings, but their main purpose is to serve the cannabis plant itself. As a result, the end flower produces a variety of different effects in humans.
AI Terp Effects are built to produce one singular effect very, very well.
We’ve partnered with the cool dudes over at budboard to create these formulas. If you’ve stopped into a dispensary within the last 3 years then chances are that you’ve seen their work already. They’ve created a system to visually illustrate what each product contains so that customers are informed about their purchase in one quick glance.
Point is - they collect lab data from over 5,000 different products and then provide that information to over 200,000 medical marijuana patients making purchases every month. Each product goes through a full terpene analysis at a verified lab to confirm its composition. budboard strongly believes that people should know as much in-depth information about these cannabis products so that patients can make the best purchasing decisions. After all, you want the product to do what it’s advertised to do, right?
Machine learning is a buzzword I’m sure you’ve heard by now. Basically, machine learning is all about pattern recognition. If you feed it enough accurate data, you’ll start to see trends emerge.
In this case, if we compile enough data of which products produce specific effects, then we can start to find patterns in their ingredients which allows us to isolate and utilize the components that most often produce the desired effects. As we get more data, the resulting formula becomes more accurate and we can further refine. Currently we are using more than a million data points (and growing!) to craft these AI Terp Effect blends.
Abstrax receives the formula and gets to work turning it into reality. We craft each blend using our world-class isolated terpenes so that the finished result is pure, consistent, and compliant around the world.
Our chemists take each raw formula and optimize it to be as flavor & aroma neutral as possible so that it won’t interfere with the end product’s taste and smell. We then run that optimized formula back through the algorithm to ensure that it will deliver the intended results. If there’s any effect, flavor, or aroma drift then we adjust and do it all over again. So you can be assured that each AI Terp Effect blend has been thoroughly tested and retested for maximized effects and compatibility.
Now we could stop there and call it good, but that doesn’t cut it with us.
We reached out to Dr. Avery Gilbert who’s a legend in sensory quantification. For the last three decades, he has pioneered a system called Mood Descriptor Profiling which helps to characterize the mood impressions of different scents. Ever been to the store and seen those citrus shampoos that wake you up in the morning? He’s the guy that started all of that.
"Our ultimate goal with this platform is to create a science-backed methodology for creating predictable sensorial experiences using terpenes. This will be the first time in history brands can literally dial in the exact effects they are looking for using botanically-derived ingredients that both smell and taste amazing.” - Dr. Avery Gilbert.
Dr. Gilbert has been conducting a quantitative sensory research study utilizing our five AI Terp Effects with a random assortment of participants. Each participant is given an unlabeled blend and is asked to categorize their mood impressions of it using an 11-point classification system. This is our real-world test to confirm that each AI Terp Effect does exactly what it’s intended to do.
If you’d like to get even further into the nitty gritty, you can view the white paper here.